Earth Day Ideas
Teri Ann Cox
Executive Director of The Children’s Center
Dear Center Families,
When it is time to pause and write these quick monthly newsletters, I always check back in my files to see what I wrote a year ago. Last April there was no letter because we were closed for several weeks as we regrouped to determine who needed our services, what our restructured staffing model and programming would like, and how we would pay the bills for the remainder of the fiscal year. Even though the seasons were surely changing -- what a dark, unknown time that was. I honestly cannot remember much about what was happening outside my window, as Nancy Jones and I worked long hours at the Center collaborating with others mapping out a plan to reopen the Center as an Emergency Child Care Program.
Fast forward to April 2021, and Spring is finally here once again! We are excited to celebrate the warmer temperatures and nature’s promise of fresh, new things to come. And speaking of celebrating, don’t forget, April 22 is Earth Day (which has been observed every year since 1970). While our planet only gets one official recognition day a year, we know it’s important to take care of her every day.
If you are looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day with your kids this year, here are some eco-friendly ideas that will help your whole family get into the act of protecting the environment:
Plan a mini community cleanup -- whether it is along a hiking trail or in your neighborhood.
Plant something -- kids love to play in the dirt, so get them involved by planting a shrub, tree, or flowers.
Curb your electricity use -- talk to your older kids about energy costs. Read books rather than watching TV, opt for candles at dinner vs. electric lights, ride bikes to a friend’s house vs. driving.
Save water -- turn off the water while brushing teeth, or see who can take the fastest shower, while still getting clean!
Install houses for birds, bats, or bees -- your kids can decorate a birdhouse or make a simple feeder out of a pinecone, with peanut butter rolled in some bird seed or oats.
Donate or swap things you no longer need – share those outgrown toys, clothes, and other household items you are no longer using instead of adding them to a land fill.
I look forward to seeing what the teachers will be doing to celebrate Earth Day here at the Center.
Until then…Happy Spring!
Teri Ann