We are delighted that you are considering enrollment at The Children’s Center. You may have already met with a classroom teacher and/or a program coordinator to get an overview of what we can offer your child.
Additional information about our policies and procedures is provided in our parent handbook. Please read it carefully and ask any questions about any of the topics covered, or any that you feel we may not have addressed.
We look forward to getting to know you and your family. Should you have any questions about the enrollment process, or about our programs, please do not hesitate to call 603-569-1027.
Shannon Huffman
Enrollment and Outreach Specialist
Enrollment Process
Our 2024-2025 Handbook
Families whose income is now 250% of the FPG are eligible for state scholarship.
In addition, the sliding fee scale for the Center is still up to 350% of FPG. (For example $90,370 annual income for a family of 3 or $109,200 for a family of 4.) In order to be eligible for either the state or Center scholarship, parents/guardians must be working, in an approved training program, or actively seeking employment.
NH Easy - Gateway to Services
NH DHHS Child Care Scholarships
Choosing a Childcare Center
Things to think about before you enroll