November Newsletter 2023
Teri Ann Cox
Executive Director of The Children’s Center
Dear Center Families,
As I have shared in past year’s November newsletters, this month is appropriately now recognized as “National Gratitude Month.” It was submitted as such by Stacey Grewal and proclaimed in August 2015 by the registrar at National Day Calendar.
Gratitude is so much more than saying “thanks.” Taking a moment and being grateful allows us to shift our focus from the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives. In my experience, when I am grateful, my life seems to improve for the better; it always seems to turn what I already have into enough. Research in fact has shown that gratitude can enhance our moods, decrease stress, and drastically improve our overall level of health and well-being. On average, grateful people tend to have fewer stress-related illnesses, experience lowered blood pressure, and have more satisfying personal and professional relationships. Studies have shown grateful kids are even more likely to get excellent grades in school!
At the Center, we have much to be grateful for. We have a talented team who love caring for and teaching young children, a board of directors and group of endowment trustees who are committed to our mission, great families who trust and appreciate the work we do day in and day out, and donors who generously give so that we can transform the lives of children. Personally, I am grateful to those who have served, including my husband and our dads, and look forward to seeing the flags in their honor at this year’s DAR Winnipesaukee Chapter’s Field of Flags on the Brewster Field for Veteran’s Day. (The Field of Flags will be in place from approximately November 8 to November 14.) I am also very thankful that the entire team and I will be able to have a long 4-day weekend, as we close on Thanksgiving and the day after November 23 and 24.
I hope you have many reasons to also give thanks this month. Be sure to watch for our social media posts with the hashtag #NationalGratitudeMonth for inspiration.
With much appreciation,
Teri Ann