February Newsletter 2023

Dear Center Families,

While we shower our children with love from the moment they are born, understanding the true meaning of love may be a challenge for some young children. Teaching children about what love really entails helps them develop deeper values such as empathy and kindness. In early education, there is not always a set plan to teach children to care about one another. I believe there needs to be. It is why “Be Kind” is one of our four program wide expectations we focus on each day.

Apart from role modeling acts of kindness to children during the early years, we can also incorporate lessons on love through age-appropriate activities that promote this essential concept. Given that it is February, of course one idea is creating or signing little valentines. Another is reading stories on love. Children’s books have always been my go-to for explaining abstract concepts and emotions. If you are looking for a new children’s book or two, a few of my favorite titles about love include:

1.       Love Is by Diane Adams and illustrated by Claire Keane

2.       Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram

3.       Love Makes a Family by Sophie Bear

4.       Mama, Do You Love Me? By Barbara M. Joosse and illustrated by Barbara Lavallee

5.       Love Monster by Rachel Bright

When we teach our children about love, going beyond the family circle is important. We can do this by extending our actions to the less fortunate in the community. Whether it is donating toys to the Salvation Army to help needy families or asking for cans of food for the local pantry in lieu of gifts at a birthday party, we tangibly show we care about others. Children learn to be kind, by being kind. Talking to your child about how they feel when spreading love and happiness to those in need will also further extend their circle of compassion and understanding.

Here's to a month ahead full of kindness!

Love, Teri Ann


March Newsletter 2023


January Newsletter 2023